About Robert Sanchez

I'm the CEO of Digital Empathy. I feel incredibly lucky that my days are spent working with my heroes - veterinarians. I believe scientific thinking, relentless innovation and compassion can solve many problems.

Veterinary Website Design – How to Build Trust

By |August 17th, 2015|Website|

One of the most important things a veterinary website can do is inspire trust in the website visitor. In this article, we will explore why “designing for trust” is important, and show you concrete steps you can take right now to make your veterinary website design remarkably effective at opening relationships with new clients. We [...]

Veterinary Website Design – The Beginner’s Guide

By |August 1st, 2015|Website|

Great veterinary website design is about turning a website visitor into a clinic visitor. In this article, we will teach you a few basic ideas on how to approach your website’s design scientifically and with remarkable simplicity. Design has just as much to do with psychology as it does computers. In fact, designing veterinary websites [...]

Veterinary Website Design – 3 simple rules

By |July 24th, 2015|Website|

Your Veterinary website is now where people open their relationship with you. Because of this, your website’s design is crucial. You’re about to learn 3 simple rules that will make your veterinary website wonderfully effective! Rule #1: CONVERSION IS KING The job of your veterinary website is to turn a website visitor into a clinic [...]

Content Marketing for Veterinarians

By |July 19th, 2015|Blog Posts, SEO|

You're about to learn why content marketing is such a powerful tool in your veterinary website and marketing strategy. To do this well, it helps to begin with a story. In 1838, a young blacksmith named John left his home in Vermont to find fortune in the west. He set up shop in Grand Detour, [...]

Anti Internet Marketing

By |June 10th, 2015|Uncategorized|

“Anti” is a divisive word. We mean it to be. Internet Marketing is in something of a dark age: superstitions and buzzwords are more popular than science. Almost everything about the way the status quo approaches their business should change. Our industry's purpose should be to help you help more pets and grow your clinic. When [...]

Facebook Tips for your Veterinary Clinic

By |May 10th, 2015|Social Media|

With Facebook your veterinary clinic has an unprecedented reach into your clients' peer networks. Your goal is to get as many of their pet owning friends thinking about your animal hospital as possible. This is a powerful opportunity if your methods are thoughtful and strategic. When a follower likes, comments on or shares your post, it spreads to [...]

Website Conversions- A Scientific Approach

By |April 30th, 2015|Website|

The website isn’t what’s important- it’s the response it creates in the audience that matters. To get more clients for your veterinary clinic through the website, it helps to understand some basic science about how we make decisions. Surprisingly, the logical part of the brain (the Neocortex) does not control decision making! Rather, the part [...]

A Mobile-First Veterinary Website

By |April 23rd, 2015|Website|

On April 21st 2015, the competitive landscape quietly shook for millions of small businesses. The change is the reaction to a tipping point in human behavior. And from this day on, if your website is not mobile-optimized, you will be effectively hidden from the majority of those who would look. Source: http://www.smartinsights.com The eventual tipping point [...]

How to Optimize a Veterinary Website

By |April 19th, 2015|SEO|

The purpose of SEO is to draw as much traffic and attention to your veterinary clinic’s website as possible. Many people talk about SEO like it’s a black box, but it’s actually pretty simple to understand. Google (and other search engines) essentially look for two things: relevance and authority. This means that in order to [...]

How to Design a Veterinary Website

By |April 18th, 2015|Website|

The most valuable purpose of your website is to bring as many clients to your veterinary clinic as possible. This is commonly referred to as a “conversion-oriented website.” The website is structured to influence the visitor to “convert” to some action (such as an appointment request or a phone call). This is a high stakes [...]

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